All posts tagged "Cofrades acts Seville October 2015"

  • 30 October. Convivencia en Jesús Despojado

    Jesus Stripped. Convivencia con la fraterna Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Coronada. Chapel of Our Lady of Major Pain located at the Plaza de Molviedro. El acto comenzará con la Eucaristía...

    • Posted October 30, 2015
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  • 30 October. Conferencia en la Sed

    However,. Conferencia a cargo del imaginero Luis Álvarez Duarte, que explicará el proceso de restauración del Santísimo Cristo de la Sed. V session of the Training Forum, 93. 30 October. 18:00 a 22:00 hours

    • Posted October 30, 2015
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  • 30 October. Public Rosario del Rocio del Cerro del Águila

    Dew Cerro del Águila. Mass in honor of Blessed Simpecado of Nuestra Señora del Rocio. Capilla de la Residencia de Ancianos Casa Sagrados Corazones del barrio de Palmete, sito en la calle Afán s/n. Finalizada la Sagrada...

    • Posted October 30, 2015
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  • 29 October. XXV aniversario en La Macarena

    Macarena. XXV aniversario Coral Polifónica. At 13:00 hours, Solemne Eucaristía de acción de gracias. Presidida por Herminio González Barrionuevo, Canónigo -Maestro de Capilla de la Santa y Metropolitana Iglesia Catedral de Sevilla.

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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  • 29 October. Meeting at the Miraculous

    Milagrosa. IX media meeting in which the prize will be awarded “Carlos Schlatter” al programa radiofónico “Cross Guide”. Parish of the Miraculous located at Avenida. Garden City. 29 October. 21:00 a...

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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  • 29 October. Brotherhood Mass in Vera Cruz

    Vera Cruz. Mass Brotherhood 29 October. 29:45

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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  • 29 October. Solemn function to Our Lady of Sorrows

    Gypsies. Solemne Función en honor de Maria Santísima de las Angustias Coronada con motivo del XXVII Aniversario de la Coronación Canónica. Sanctuary of Our Father Jesus of Health located in the street Veronica s / n. 29 de Octubre....

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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  • 29 October. Formation in the Sun

    Sol. Presentation of the cofrade course 2015-2016 of the VI Monsignor Álvarez Allende Forum giving the talk by Marcelino Manzano Vilches, diocesan delegate for Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of our Archdiocese. Parish of San Diego de Alcalá...

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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  • 29 October. Eucharistic adoration in the Seven Words

    seven words. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Mass in the Eucharistic cult Thursday presided over by Marcelino Manzano Vilches, pastor and spiritual director. Parroquia de San Vicente Mártir located in Calle Cardenal Cisneros. 29 October....

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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  • 29 October. Cabildo a Montserrat

    Montserrat. At 20:30 hours in the first call and 21:00 hours, en segunda Cabildo General Aprobación de Cuentas y Presupuestos. A su conclusión Cabildo General Extraordinario para propuestas: otorgamiento de reconocimiento institucional a los Padres Carmelitas...

    • Posted October 29, 2015
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