- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
All posts tagged "Quinary in The Redemption"
Solemn Quinary in Honor of Our Father Jesus of Redemption – Brotherhood The Kiss of Judas
Royal and Illustrious Brotherhood of the Stmo. Sacramento, Our. P. Jesus of the Redemption and Mary Stma. del Rocío The Kiss of Judas Solemn Quinario in honor of Our Father Jesus of the Redemption in the Kiss of...
- Posted February 6, 2023
28 February. Quinario a Jesús de la Redención
Redemption. Solemne Quinario en honor de Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Redención con el siguiente orden de cultos: Pentads exercise and Mass, occupying the sacred chair José Miguel Verdugo Rasco, párroco de San Diego de Alcalá....
- Posted February 28, 2015