- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Estrella
- Triduum of the Lord of Divine Mercy. Brotherhood of the Seven Words
- Besapiés the Lord of Victory
- Pentads the Lord solemn Health. Brotherhood of Gypsies
- Via Crucis of the brotherhoods of Seville 2024
- Via Crucis to Ntro. Father Jesus of the Sentence. Hermandad de la Macarena
- Besamanos to the Virgen de la Hiniesta
- Triana: Besamanos to the Christ of the Three Falls
- St. lawrence: Besamanos of the Virgen de la Soledad
- Pentads solemn and Main Function of the Holy Christ of the Three Falls
corpus Christi 2013 In sevilla | Corpus Christi procession of the Blessed 2013

Corpus Christi Day is a local holiday in Seville and is dedicated to Sacrament of the Eucharist. a procession leaves the Cathedral Celebrated. For this occasion the streets are carpeted itinerary with rosemary and other herbs.
Its most outstanding feature is the Custody carved by Juan de Arfe in 1578, Silver magnificent architectural work. Custody accompany the various steps, such as the Fair and Rufina; Paso de San Isidoro, San Leandro step, all of them work Duque Cornejo (century XVIII); Paso de San Fernando, Pedro Roldán (XVII century); Passage of the Immaculate Conception, Alonso Martinez (XVII century) and Paso del Niño Jesús, Martinez Montanes (XVII century).
In the procession and during the next seven days you can admire one of the oldest and peculiar traditions of the city: dancing and singing Sixes before the Blessed Sacrament; of which there is evidence from the fifteenth century. For this occasion they are dressed in red and white.
Carráncanos open the procession Confraternity of the Sacramental Sagrario. Sacramental follows the script of this corporation and the brotherhoods of Gloria by seniority.
– St. Angela. The image is the work of José Antonio Arteaga and joined the procession in 2010. In 2009 He came out for the first time a sculpture of the Mother House of the Sisters of the Cross. Exorno step and correspond to the Brotherhood of Bitterness. After her, They are the brotherhoods of Penitence to silence.
– Santas Justa and Rufina: The two saints of Triana hold the Giralda. They are attributed to Duke Cornejo. Step and turn motif deal brotherhoods of Penitence de Triana. This year is the Hermandad del Cachorro. Follow the brotherhoods of Penitence to Calvary, the Apostleship of Prayer, Light and Velá, Worship and Sacramental Night brotherhoods to the Star.
– San Isidoro: Also he saw Bishop as his brother. On one hand he carries a bártulo and the other, Etym. Attributed to Duque Cornejo. Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus of the Three Falls step deals. Brotherhoods followed the sacramentals from the Good End to Entombment.
– San Leandro: San Isidoro brother, Bishop dresses. Attributed to Duque Cornejo. Step corresponds to the Brotherhood of the Macarena. They go behind the hermandadesbSacramentales to San Gil, commissions of the Army, Sea and Air and the military commander of Seville and Huelva carrying the Banner of San Fernando.
– San Fernando: Carrying layer and crown ermine. Porta sword and globe, both synonyms of power and justice. The image is the work of Pedro Roldán. The step is the responsibility of the Brotherhood of Redemption. Behind the, Municipal Band, the chief of police and staff at Headquarters, representations of the chambers, representations of Associations, Headquarters of the various branches, Ateneo de Sevilla, royal Academies, Sevilla University, Consular Corps, Proincial and Territorial Hearings, San Clemente orders, Constantinian, Holy Sepulcher, the Malta, General Council brotherhoods, Diocesan Laity delegation, Delegation Diocesan Caritas and Catholic Action.
– Immaculate conception: It is the work of Alonso Martínez. The exorno and passage are of the Brotherhood of Silence. This year cam behind, after changing location, the Basilica insignia them Cub, Mary Help of Trinidad, Power and Macarena. They follow the Association of Our Lady of the Kings and San Fernando and Sacramental Confraternity of the Sagrario of the Cathedral.
– Child Jesus: Martinez Montanes work that has just been restored by the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute. It goes under bandstand and step corresponds to the Sacramental del Sagrario. Followed by the Diocesan Semiario, Third orders, deacons and religious units or.
– Reliquary of the Holy Thorn (custody Girl): It has two different bodies. In the first, one monstrance carries a relic of the Holy Thorn of Christ, the second, figure topped by faith, It is presided over by a silver rose. Attributed to Francisco de Alfaro (siglo VII). It corresponds to the Hermandad del Valle. They go after the passage Ecclesiastical Court, Clero Secular, Diocesan Curia, University of parish priests, Coral Cathedral led by choirmaster, Herminio González Barrionueo, Seises, Royal Cavalry, Cabildo Cathedral and Vicar General, Teodoro León
– Holy Custody: It measures more than three meters tall and weighs 300 kilos. It is the work of Juan de Arfe. It has four circular bodies and a smaller matters worse. It is topped with a figure of Fe. The Council is responsible for the passage Brotherhood, All that goes on wheels. The exorno is commissioned and traditionally Manuel Palomino González, grapes and tangs Alcor, Gongora donated by the family of Villanueva del Ariscal.
Departure time: 8.30 h.
Cathedral (Puerta de Palos), Avda. of the Constitution, Plaza de San Francisco, c/ Sierpes, c / Locks, c / Cot, Plaza del Salvador, c / Alvarez Quintero, c/ Chapineros, c / Franks, c / Argote Molina, w / Conteros, c / Germans, c/ Placentines, Plaza Virgen de los Reyes, Cathedral (Puerta de Palos)
Price: 10 € (Saint Francis Square); 7 € (other travel)
Wednesday outlets 29 of May:
. Avda chairs. of the Constitution (Filella), Plaza de San Francisco, Plaza del Salvador, and Archbishop's Palace, Plaza del Salvador, Plaza de San Francisco corner C / Granada
. Silllas C / Sierpes Part I and C / Franks, C / Sierpes admón. lottery.
. Chairs C / Sierpes part II, C / Sierpes corner C / Jovellanos.
Schedule from 10 a 13.30 and 17.30 a 20 h.
Thursday 30 of May, starting at 8,00 hours, the sale of seats will take place in the different plots of the route of the procession.
DANCE OF THE SIX AND EIGHTH OF CORPUS: from Thursday 30 May to Thursday 6 of June (both inclusive) to 17.30 h. the Altar of the Cathedral. Access Gates Palos and San Miguel (open from 16.30 h.). Free entrance.
– 18,00h: Visit to the steps of the procession in the cathedral installed between the gate of baptism and the Gate of San Miguel.. It shows about restoring the altarpiece in the sacristy. In the trascoro, Engraved Corpus and San Fernando Collection Francisco Luque.
– 19,00h: General Bando de la Procession. Band plays Essence.
– 19,30 h: Concert and explanation of the organs of the Cathedral of Seville by Jose Enrique Ayarra Jarné canon of the Cathedral organist.
– 19,30h: Moving the image of Our Lady of Gloriosa Hiniesta of the parish of San Julián Plaza de San Francisco. Arrival of the Virgin at the Altar of the Plaza de San Francisco on 23.45 h. Itinerary: Parroquia de San Julián; Moravia; Pasaje Mallol; seven Sorrows; San Marcos; Castellar; Churruca; Plaza de los Carros; Montesión; fair; Castellar; San Martin; Cervantes; San Andres; God's Love; Rate; Bell; Sierpes; Saint Francis Square. Return to his parish will take place on Thursday 7 to 20.00 h.
– 20,00 h: Simpecado Assumption Cantillana. It procesionará the Simpecado of the brotherhood of the Assumption of Cantillana from the Parish of San Lorenzo to the street Sierpes by the following route: Plaza de San Lorenzo, Jesus del Gran Poder,Duke mPlaza, Sierpes campaign and where it will be installed on an altar in front of the Mercantile Circle, the planned arrival as being 20:45 hours.
– 20,30h: Exhibition of His Divine Majesty. In the Parish of Sagrario, Exaltation of the Eucharist by Maria del Carmen Perez Rivero.
– From 21,00 a 24,00 hours: In the Patio de los Naranjos of the College of Salvador, Passion Brotherhood organizes another year “Sacramental nights”, to benefit the Assistance Foundation Ntro. Father Jesus of the Passion.
– From 20 a 22h: Corpus concerts on the Avda. of the Constitution, C / Franks and C / Sierpes.
– 21:15 hours. Church of the Third. The Cigar Band will offer a concert of processional marches.
– 20,30h: Corpus extraordinary concert. Symphonic Band of Seville. Saint Francis Square.
– 21,30h: Minstrels in honor of the Blessed Sacrament on the facade of the C / Germans. Band plays Essence. Organized by the Sacramental del Sagrario.
– 22,00h: Altars contest exorno, windows and balconies, located in the streets of the route of the procession or the surrounding streets.
– 22,15h: Tolling of the bells of the Giralda. Toques and peals. Plaza Virgen de los Reyes.
– 22,15h: Cathedral Close.
– 22,30 h: Door of the Assumption. Auto Sacramental, The Great Theater of the World, Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Theater group the Brotherhood of Thirst.
– 6,30h: Step out of Lord of the Last Supper from the Church of the Third Altar Archbishop's Palace. Arrival to the altar: 8 h. aprox. Itinerary: Sol; santa Catalina; Francisco Carrión Mejías; Plaza de San Leandro; Zamudio; Plaza de San Ildefonso; Boteros; Odreros; Plaza de la Alfalfa; Jesus of the Three Falls; Cuesta del Rosario; Franks; Argote de Molina; German; Placentines; Archbishop's palace
Returning to his Church will take place once the procession of Corpus. Starting at 12,50 h.
– 7,30h: Opening the Cathedral.
– 8,00h: Out of the municipal corporation from the City accompanied by the Municipal Band. 8,00h: Lauds in the Royal Chapel.
– 8,30h: Seasonal beginning of Mass at the Altar of the Jubilee, chaired by D. Juan José Asenjo Pelegrina, Archbishop of Seville.
– 8,30h: The procession through the door of San Miguel.
– 10,15h: Six Dance.
– 12,30h: Troop parade and end of the procession.
– 12,45h: solemn blessing with His Divine Majesty and Reservation, Jubilee at the Altar.
– 12,50h: return of the Lord's Supper to the Church of the Third.
– 19,00h: Bullfight in the Maestranza Corpus. Steers Montealto: Sergio Flores, Cerro Rafael and Juan Ortega. Prices: from 13 a 56 €
– 20,00h: Procession around the Hiniesta to San Julian.
– 21,00h: Coral Concert Association of Seville in the Church of the Divine Savior. Antonio Vivaldi works.
– 21,00h: Renaissance music concert at St Nicholas of Bari. Coral Angel Ucelay.
– 10,00h: Chico Corpus de Triana. From the Parish of Santa Ana. Travel: Plaza de la Sacra Familia, Pelay Correa, Bernal passage Vidal, Rodrigo de Triana, San Jacinto, Plaza del Altozano, Purity, Vazquez de Leca and Plaza de Sacra Familia.
– 9,30h: Corpus of the Parish of the Magdalena. Travel: Saint Paul, Bailen, San Eloy, San Roque, Rafael Calvo, Museum Square, Miguel de Carvajal, Bailen, Pedro del Toro, Gravina, Canalejas, Rafael Gonzalez Abreu, Our Lady of the Presentation, Christ of Calvary and St. Paul.
– 11,00h: San Isidoro Corpus.
Exposition “The party proclaimed”: Glorias and Corpus in the Patio Mayor of the City.
DAYS 2, 9 Y 14 OF JUNE
– 20,00h: Auto Sacramental”The Great Theater of the World” Pedro Calderon de la Barca, by the company Gulliver in Seville, Compass Convent in San Clemente (C / Rest,9).