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The Seville Fair

By on 2 June 2016


A hurricane is at the origin of the party that we know today and that has had two locations throughout its history.

In 1842, and in full recovery from the French invasion, the city suffered a hurricane that left it devastated. The sorrow and dejection was a slab on the spirit of the Sevillians. It was then that two councilors, José María Ybarra and Narcisi Bonaplata asked the Plenary to recover the Seville fairs, which took place in April and September. Some festivals whose celebration permission was granted for the first time by Alfonso X el Sabio in 1254.

The first was approved by decree by Elizabeth II on 18 September 1846 and was held as a Cattle Fair the following year, Between the days 18 Y 20 April 1847, somewhat earlier than initially planned so as not to coincide with the Carmona Fair. He began his journey with 19 booths in the Prado de San Sebastián and was a success with the public. So much so that the following year the gathered cattle sellers asked for more presence of the authority because “the Sevillians with their songs and dances made it difficult to carry out the deals”.

Since its first edition, in 1847, the Fair has changed its skin and its spirit.

since the twenties, the Fair is beginning to look like what it is now, an artificial and ephemeral city with landladies for the enjoyment of visitors. During years, the enclosure became known as the Gateway, due to a structure used to cross the street. In 1973 booths were relocated at the request of vendors, organizations and public. The space remained small and began to settle in the neighborhood of Los Remedios, an almost rectangular area of 1,5 km. By 600 m. With the name of Real de la Feria, with streets that were baptized with the names of bullfighters from all eras and adorned with lanterns.image

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